We have sold several brands of billiard stick local and imported, and some have used the master billiard stick brands we sell like the nexus99 stripped and players.
Stick we brought directly from the factory, if you love the hobby as we do, we can help you have a stick-stick is below.
Price includes cheaper than market price shops
WTS] brand Billiard Stick Oriley's got
its spec:
- Head brand Blackwidow (most tip for beating)
- Its easy row dikecilin / ditipisin
- Handle color ijo + are wrapped in leather (biar dapet gripnya more)
- Just complete dah deh ... once buy ga
- Holster also
price: 500,000 (no nego)
its spec:
- Head blue violet (most tip for beating)
- Its easy row dikecilin / ditipisin
- Handle color blackdown + are wrapped in leather
- Length 165 cm
- Holster also
price: 750,000 (no nego)
its spec:
- Head brand Blackwidow (most tip for beating)
- The handle of a silver silk
- Just complete ...
- Holster also
- Length 180 cm
price: 1.000.000 (no nego)
WTS] Billiard Stick brand de belle (stick breaks)
its spec:
- Fine marble head (most tip for beating)
- Its easy row minished
- Handle color reen + are wrapped in leather
- Length 160 cm
- 4500 grams weight
- Holster also
price: 500,000 (no nego)
Billiard Stick brand geanova
its spec:
- Local
- Its easy row minished - Several types and colors
- Just complete
- Holster also
- Bonus cleaning oil stick
price: 600.000 (no nego)
Contact person:Lukman Geanova (02519473374)
Jln. Palayu 2. no 1.